- Submitted by Dick Boggs – Club Secretary
IRDC Membership Meeting (on Zoom)
December 1, 2021
Present: Karl Seeger, Coley Tipton, Dick Boggs, Marie and Lee F, Gary Hallberg, David Lemon, Mary Zeitner, Chuck Arnold, Coley Tipton, Linda Blackburn, Phil, Dave Weller, Andy C., Steve Barnes, Fil Alleva, Rick and Linda Bostrom, apologize if I missed someone.
President: Coley Tipton called the meeting to order at 7:38 Pm.e Nort. Andy and I talked about the Circuit of the Northwest and he is more optimistic than me. At the Seattle Auto show I tlked with them and they are saying they will have paving in 18 months and that willbe nice if it happens. You can drive it on a simulator now. It will be a contry club track but it will be open to local clubs. If have any questions go to the Circuit of the Northwest website. I want to thank Fil for volunteering to update the website. The Board voted to increase IRDC membership to $50 an increase of $5.00. $50.00 for one year $100 for two years and new members $45 and $90.
Vice President: Not present
Secretary: The membership meeting miutes of Nov. 3 were emailed to all IRDC Board members and selected officers on Nov. 4th. Approved
Treasurer: We are solvent. All of track rental at Pacific is paid and 50% of The Ridge track rental is paid. Approved
Race Chair: We will be increasing the race entry fees. An extremly long heated discussion of the race schduling and the time contraints that we work under at Pacific with the requirement of a 5:00 off the track. We have a serious problem of adding a new run group and attempting to stay on schedule. Would like you to seriously consider a single race weekend. A Sunday morning Enduro was brought up and discussed. Discussion of The Ridge race and the no shows. Long discussion of the use of the madatory speed waiver on MSR when drivers sign up to race. We will still use the sign up at the gate in addition. It was decided to bring it up for a vote at the next Board meeting and Linda will get it started since we don’t need it until May. Discussion of who would be responsible for retreiving the waiver in the event of and incident. Discussion of some some people racing without IRDC membership. Fil is checking membership and located several racing without IRDC membership.
Old/New Business: Fil was asked to give a report on the meeting held at Pacific called by Andy to discuss low car counts. 10 people in attendence and it was a rehash of a similar meeting held where there were 60 people in attendence. Discussed the same topics but finally got to a consensu on a funnel approach to promote the interest in motorsports and that those who continued on down the funnel will eventually race. Will appeal to all types of events and areas of motorsports interest. Fil, John Ramsey, and Randy Johnson are on a committee to get together and put together a concrete proposal. We are scheduled to meet next week. We will try to see what type of recommendations we can make to increase the funnel to get to the entry point of motorsports racing. I any of you have ideas please email Fil (FilAlleva@hotmail.com}. A long discussion of Road Racing awareness followed his presentation. Discussion of everyone using their phones to communicate and receive messages how we can communicate better with our members. It was mentioned that on MSR we have full access to email and text messaging. Long discussion of the co-hosting request from TC, driver count, finances, workers, insurance, Test and Tune, TC longivity, etc . Cascade may try it in 2022 (Cascade to vote on it)and IRDC will wait and see how it works before agreeing to Co-host TC in 2023.
Good of the Order: Toys for Tots at Pacific Raceways. IRDC is the best for payouts to the workers. Lucky Dog payed out $5600 to workers at their two day event.
Motion made and Approved to Adjurn 9:02 PM
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