You’ve got your Race School Certificate. Here are steps to getting on grid.
- Apply to join a Club. IRDC (Seattle), CSCC (Portland), NWMS (Spokane), SCCBC (Mission), TC (Portland)
- I want to race with Conference (ICSCC). Why am joining a club?
- Conference works for you the racer. You have a voice and a vote
- The clubs are how your participation and vote are voiced.
- Think of the clubs like the State Governments and Conference like the federal government.
- Another important role for clubs is that they host races. And that’s why we’re here.
- I want to race with Conference (ICSCC). Why am joining a club?
- You do this on MSR (motorsport.reg) and now is as good a time as any to explain MSR.
- Chances are you already have an MSR account. If not… do the following:
- First, why MSR? It’s everything is managed, membership, licenses, race signup. Nuf said.
- Visit
- Sign up with your personal email address. It’s very straight forward. Contact us or them if you have questions.
- On MSR chose a club to join
- Do this by selecting “Find Events”.
- There is a search box. Type the name of the club,
- Typically, you will find a “membership event” for the club oF your choice (usually one geographically convenient). Click on that event and follow the directions for joining your selected club. For convenience this year’s links to the 2022 membership events are provided here.
- IRDC 2022 Membership Renewal or Application (
- Cascade Sports Car Club new member application (
- SCCBC Mission Raceway (
- Northwest Motorsports – (not yet active for 2022)
- Team Continental: Membership – (not yet active for 2022)
- Chances are you already have an MSR account. If not… do the following:
- Once you enter the screens to join a club you may find yourself faced with questions you don’t know how to answer. Just leave these blank or answer as best you can. Either you or the club can update the information at a later time.
- When you get to the end of the application you will be asked to pay your membership fee. Usually around $50. This will get you on the club mailing list where you will receive notices about events, meetings and races.
- In week or two you will receive your membership card. You can’t join conference and get your license until you have a club membership. It’s a little wonky but it’s how we ensure that Conference works for us.
- Download the medical forms from ICSCC and fill them out, then go see your doctor to get a medical exam. Do this while you’re waiting for your club membership. Why a MEDICAL EXAM? Simply put it has to do with cross organization license recognition. Once you get your GOLD card license you can present that anywhere in the country and Canada and be permitted to enter a race. Many Conference racers participate out of the region. There is an option known as an area license which doesn’t require a doctor’s exam. NOTE: Novice Applicants don’t need to have a medical exam to apply for their license, but you will need the exam if you wish to upgrade to a Gold card in season.
- The forms you need are located here: International Conference of Sports Car Clubs (
- Competition License (Guide for completion)
- First, the license registrar is super helpful. If something doesn’t make sense in your application, they will be in contact, but let’s try and answer some basic questions for new drivers.
- Club Affiliation: Easy – that’s club you joined in the previous step.
- License Number: Enter NOVICE (or NONE). You don’t have a number yet.
- Car: If you’re set on a car go ahead and indicate what you’ll be driving, otherwise just enter NONE YET.
- NUMBER CHOICE. Most new drivers should just write TBD in Group 7. Leave the other groups blank, assuming you will be renting. If you already you have a race car, and it has a number go ahead and indicate that here. Just be aware that the number may already be reserved by another driver.
- As a new driver you’re going to apply for a Novice License, so you don’t need the Physician’s exam unless you plan to upgrade to a senior license. Most drivers do apply for the senior license, but this means that you have some time to get the exam done while you are completing your novice requirements. BTW, when the time comes the Physicians exam form is located at International Conference of Sports Car Clubs (
- Competition License (Guide for completion)
- Okay! You got all that done. Search for ICSCC on MSR and select competition license.
- Pay your license fee online
- New this year is fully online system. Follow the direction on MSR.
- If you have questions contact
- Supporting Documents
- Proof of club membership. Often a picture of your membership card, but some clubs like IRDC have electronic membership cards which the IRDC registrar can view online.
- Proof of completion of an approved race school
- This can be a copy of a certificate or…
- An email from the chief driving instructor of a participating club’s race school. Currently only IRDC and CSCC run such schools.
- Supporting Documents
- The forms you need are located here: International Conference of Sports Car Clubs (
WOW! I’m tired from typing all this but you had to do it, so thanks for sticking with it. The paperwork is DONE, mostly! In a short time, you will receive your white Novice license. Now is the time to contact the (currently Bill Ecker). He’s a good guy and he’s going to get to know you because he’s responsible for your promotion to a senior license. But let’s not get the cart before the horse. You need a car. Read more about cars here.