And just like that, we are approaching the last race of the season for IRDC and for the sprint races. We’ve been fortunate to have great weather and turn outs for each of our races and Thunder on the Ridge looks to be no exception.

Thunder on the Ridge Logistics

Paddock space is always a little challenging at the Ridge because we have limited space in the main paddock. As in past years, we’ll have Parking Czar at the entrance to the paddock orienting people to park. Here are a few general rules:

  • There will be a “driving lane” that will be a one-way, getting people around the main paddock. The lane will go counter-clockwise.
  • The semis and larger RV’s will continue to create a barrier between the pre-grid area and the main paddock.
  • Within the main paddock, we’ll ask everyone to park diagonally. When you come into the paddock, park in a way that when you need to leave, you can backup into the driving lane and then drive in the same direction as the one-way lane.
  • If your trailer is not being used to service your car, please park it in the open field behind the school building.
  • All transport vehicles that are not tractor trailers, tow vehicles that will stay connected to enclosed trailers or race cars, should be parked in the lower paddock.

See below a map of how we’ll be orienting the paddock.

Looking forward to 2019

Every year and every event requires a small army of people who generously volunteer to make them happen. At the conclusion of the 2018 season, we have a number of people who are moving or moving on to other things to do in their “spare time.”

Here is a list of positions that will be vacant and we’re looking for people to help fill the roles with energy and fresh ideas.

If you like what we’ve been up to and want to help accelerate or even if you don’t like what we’ve been doing and you want to change things, come join us!

  • Merchandise: Responsible for designing, ordering and managing inventory of IRDC merchandise, along with being the point of sale person at each of our driving events.
  • Membership/Registration/Newsletter: Responsible for managing our membership base database, creating events in MSR, check-in at events and sending out the monthly newsletter to our members.
  • Sound: Responsible for managing the sound system that checks for vehicle noise at each of our events and makes sure all cars that sound check over the track sound limit are reported to race control.
  • Test and Tune Lead: Responsible for partnering with our turn worker vendor and race chair to orchestrate the test and tune day for each race weekend.
  • Vice President: Leadership role within the club, partnering with other board members to develop and execute plans covering all aspects of the club.  Also the backup to the President role, if the President is removed or not able to fulfill the responsibilities of the Office.
  • Board Member at Large: A non-driver or driver member of IRDC, who has been a member for at least 1 year, in good standing and represents the general interests/perspective of the club.
  • Marketing/Public Relations Director: Responsible for creating and executing (with help from other members and directors) a marketing plan for the club.